Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Alarm Clock Dance

As any reader here knows, I work nights. Sometimes on especially hot days in Arizona, I will get up early in the afternoon and pick up my wife at work so she’s not waiting in the heat.

Today I had to chuckle at myself as I got ready for bed this morning and set my alarm for 3:00 p.m. My alarm clock is in my bathroom (to ensure I will get out of bed to shut it off). I then climbed into bed and watched a little tv to relax then lay there wondering if I had set my alarm. Now I know that my wife worries about me sleeping through the alarm or setting it for the wrong time so of course I worry too! Of course I had to go back and check it!! How annoying!!

After getting settled back in bed, I tried to relax again. Just about achieved unconsciousness and wham!! I had to check it again!! Damned alarm!!! Damned memory!!!

Well I went back to bed and had passed out momentarily when of course I had to check it again just to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. Ridiculous as it sounds, each time I ended up wondering if I had set it correctly! Well there you have it. The alarm clock dance. It’s almost a bedtime ritual for me.

Maybe I’ll actually remember and have the confidence that I did it right!!! The funny thing is that while I worry about that, I have never stranded my wife due to oversleeping! Well at least she’s home tonight!! He he.

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